The Underwater as the New Frontier for Humankind 09/10/2024 | Pietro Batacchi Italian Navy’s Arsenal in Venice - historical site of the Institute of Maritime Military Studies - is hosting the 14th edition of the 'Trans -… [leggi la notizia]

The 6th ASTUTE-class SSN, HMS AGAMEMNON, has been launched 07/10/2024 | Gabriele Molinelli The newest of the Royal Navy’s submarines has been lowered into the water for the first time The 6th ASTUTE-class SSN for the Royal Navy,… [leggi la notizia]

Exail’s A6K-M AUV and Travocean’s ROV-DEEPSEA will contribute to the French build-up in the underwater domain 03/10/2024 | Marco Giulio Barone On 27 September 2024, the French Armaments Procurement Agency (Direction générale de l’armement, DGA) and the General Secretariat for Investment (Secrétariat général pour l’investissement, SGPI)… [leggi la notizia]

Fincantieri delivers the fourth PPA multipurpose combat ship to the Italian Navy 03/10/2024 | Tommaso Massa On October 2, Fincantieri held a ceremony at its Muggiano shipyard (La Spezia) to celebrate the hand over of the 4th PPA, GIOVANNI DELLE BANDE… [leggi la notizia]

First INVINCIBLE-class submarines commissioned in Singapore 01/10/2024 | Michele Cosentino At a ceremony held at the Changi Naval Base on 24 September, in the presence of Prime Minister Lawrence Wong, the Singapore Navy commissioned 2… [leggi la notizia]

ADAS 2024: EuroTorp Targeting MU90 Light-Weight Torpedo for Future Philippine Needs 27/09/2024 | Mike Rajkumar The European torpedo manufacturer EuroTorp is looking to expand into the Southeast Asian market, where it sees demand for its MU90 Light-Weight Torpedo (LWT). The… [leggi la notizia]

Naval Group unveils the SEAQUEST S, and a new family of USVs 27/09/2024 | Marco Giulio Barone The SEAQUEST S is part of Naval Group's new range of surface drones, which spans from 6 m to over 50 m in length. The… [leggi la notizia]

ADAS 2024: Hanwha Ocean Offering Comprehensive Solution for Philippine Submarine Needs 26/09/2024 | Mike Rajkumar The South Korean shipbuilder Hanwha Ocean which is proposing two different submarine types for a Philippine Navy submarine requirement for two conventional diesel-electric submarines, is… [leggi la notizia]

Fincantieri NexTech, IDS, Graal Tech and WSense pull SAND to REPMUS 25/09/2024 | Editorial Team Fincantieri, along with its subsidiaries Fincantieri NexTech and IDS (Ingegneria dei Sistemi), is participating for the second consecutive year in the REPMUS (Robotic Experimentation and… [leggi la notizia]

The second Type 26 soon in the water as the new shipbuilding hall approached completion 03/09/2024 | Gabriele Molinelli The future HMS CARDIFF, second of 8 Type 26 frigates, is about to be lowered into the water for the first time, having left the… [leggi la notizia]

New details on the Japanese Navy's ASEV programme 26/07/2024 | Michele Cosentino During the presentation of the latest edition of the Defence White Paper, on 12 July, the Japanese Ministry of Defence released new and interesting details… [leggi la notizia]

Royal Navy looks at the Norwegian VANGUARD solution for MHC mothership 17/07/2024 | Gabriele Molinelli The British MOD released a transparency notice on 11 July, communicating the intention to award the Norwegian Kongsberg Defence and Aerospace an 8-month early studies… [leggi la notizia]