Project Convergence-Capstone 5 (PC-C5) on the grounds of Fort Irwin, California, is the key exercise-demonstration hosted by the Army Futures Command to demonstrate how technology enhances cross-domain military operations. US, British and Australian contingents have been using the grounds and facilities of the National Training Center (NTC) to test new equipment and tactics during this month, with a second phase of PC-C5 to start next month in multiple operating locations across the Indo-Pacific.
One particular system to be tested at PC-C5 emerged thanks to a photo released by the DoD’s media operations. The images shows a BRADLEY IFV using its BGM-71 TOW anti-tank guided missile launcher to fire a new, unknown missile identified only as '670'.
The 670 is visibly different from any version of the BGM-71 TOW known to exist, including the most modern variants of the missile which are no longer wire-guided. The new system appears to be propelled, at least immediately after launch, by a rocket motor, while the body appears to contain folded wings to be deployed later in flight. The 670 has 3 grid fins at the tail end which closely resemble those found on the tube-launched GBU-69/B Small Glide Munition, which is however a purely gliding system with no propulsion. Some passing resemblance is to be found with the Raytheon AGM/BGM-176 GRIFFIN “mini” missile as well, but it is hard to guess what kind of actual correlation might exist between these systems.
It is unclear at this stage whether this is a missile, a loitering munition, or perhaps a reconnaissance drone.
Back in 2022, however, an RFI had been released calling for input for a new Close Combat Missile System-Heavy (CCMS-H) which would “initially augment existing stockpiles of the TOW Family of Missiles,” with the new weapon required to be compatible with existing TOW platforms and launchers.
CCMS-H was required to defeat 'Tier 1' armoured targets equipped with soft and hard-kill defences, dual-command guidance and the ability to incorporate reprogrammable target prioritization, to enable semi-simultaneous engagements of multiple threats at distances of minimum 65 meters and direct, 4500 meters and beyond. With a cooperative engagement with cross-cueing between different platforms, the missile should be lethal out to 8000 meters, with its parabolic trajectory keeping below 3000 feet of altitude.
Also in 2022, experimental launches were observed of 'Ground Launch Effects', or GLE, a large drone-missile, fired from TOW launchers, optically-tracked, wire-guided which could loiter, providing intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, before striking. The GLE, a large tubular drone with prominent fold-out wings, was made by Raytheon.
'670' is very possibly a continuation, more or less direct, of those efforts.